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  • Writer's pictureFiona Tian

VR unsolved problems

VR improve healthcare concept map

1. Motion sickness

Thousands of games and training programs collaborate with VR technique, VR designers and developers have had success in minimizing the effect of VR sickness. However, many players still fill uncomfortable when they play VR game. The problem still persists as the brain struggles to make sense of a horizon line that is out of sync with the fluid in one’s inner ears and a user’s movements. A lot of VR, people cannot tolerate.

2. A balance between performance and details

I have experience of building 3D models for VR. A high-quality object need take very long time to render, the user will feel delay experience for VR. However, the low fidelity object will give people impact VR experience. What user can do is to buy a good Core for their computer.

3. Transfer of perceptions in VR to the real world

VR experience is different from real-world experience. When people learn some skill through VR training, it is hard to transfer to the real world.

4. Health concern

I also have concerns about virtual reality’s impact on a person’s physical health. We already know that spending too much time staring at a screen can harm our vision over the long term. It very easy to make people feel visual fatigue.

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